Our mission and motivation is to support our clients in addressing and solving the foreseeable problems of tomorrow today. We aim to help them secure their businesses for the future and optimize them for alignment and success.

Specifically, we are eager to support decision-makers who own, supervise, or manage national and international medium-sized companies in all matters of personnel and organizational issues. Our projects are tailored, and we work closely and in an implementation-oriented manner with business leaders and shareholders, creating sustainable value and long-term relationships.

A Trusted Partner to Entrepreneurs

Our previous work (particularly with family businesses) has shown us that each shareholder’s situation and the resulting challenges are unique.

Accordingly, we do not think in templates or standardized consulting services, but aim to understand each individual shareholder and family situation fundamentally and in detail. Sufficient time and space for individual, confidential discussions with all stakeholders are essential for this. We are committed to develop solutions that are supported not just by individual shareholders, but by all shareholders.

Based on our experience as trusted advisors and mediators, we intend to subsequently advise our clients individually and build long-term, resilient relationships. In order to avoid dependencies, the transfer of knowledge, skills, and competencies to our clients is our top priority.

A “Trusted Advisor”

AvS Advisors was founded by Andreas von Specht in 2011 with the aim of providing the top decision-makers of privately-held companies with senior level advice as “Trusted Advisors” using a highly personalised approach. We are eager to fully understand every detail of the situation our clients are in, to be able to always offer tailor-made and unique solutions.

On Governance and Leadership

We accompany our clients through their critical transitions on key issues of governance and leadership. Our projects are customized, we work hand-in-hand with the owners and decision-makers and we follow a long-term view towards creating significant value and building lasting relationships.

With an International Scope

We are a multinational, multilingual team, and we operate out of offices in Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Geneva, Zurich, Paris, London, Singapore, Hong Kong and Bogotá, complemented by a network of cooperation partners in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia.

Focusing on the Human Factor

We help to create alignment on the fundamental strategic objectives and values of companies and their owners, with particular attention to the human factor, helping to make sure the people and structures are in place to make these goals a reality.

Totally committed to our Clients

Our “One Firm” philosophy ensures that our clients come always first. We typically operate in teams of two senior consultants and deliberately limit the number of projects per consultant. We are not transaction-oriented but strive to add significant value within long-lasting, trusted relationships.

Our approach

A holistic approach to managing the human factor